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Pediatric Eye Care

Why thorough vision examinations for your children is important

Don’t assume your child has good vision because he or she passed a school vision screening. A 20/20 score means only that your child can see at 20 feet what he or she should be able to see at that distance. It does not measure any of the other vision skills needed for learning.

Vision screenings are important but they should not be substituted for a thorough vision examination.

Things you can do

There are things you can do to help ensure that your child’s vision is ready for school each year and to relieve the visual stress of schoolwork.

Be alert for symptoms that may indicate your child has a vision problem. Note if your child frequently:

If your child’s eyes need help

After assessing your child’s test results, glasses, contact lenses or vision therapy may be prescribed. The doctor may also recommend preventative measures, such as mild prescription lenses that are to be worn only when doing schoolwork or near activities. These may help relieve stress on your child’s eyes.

Vision Therapy is prescribed for conditions that cannot adequately be treated with glasses or contact lenses alone. By reinforcing and/or re-teaching vision skills, conditions such as lazy eye, poor eye coordination and perceptual problems can be improved.

Your care and concern for your child’s vision can enrich his or her future while helping develop eye care habits for a lifetime of good vision. We would love to be your kid’s eye doctor. Contact us today to make an appointment.

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Our Location
Cedar Park Vision
908 W Whitestone Suite 100, Cedar Park, Texas, 78613
Phone: (512) 259-2020