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Caring for Your Children’s Eyes

Taking your child to the doctor for checkups is a routine you generally don’t miss – caring for your children’s eyes should fall within thoseDoctor Checking A child eye responsibilities as well. The health of your children’s eyes is extremely important – here are some ways in which you can ensure you stay on top of helping them maintain good eye health.

Eye Doctors

Scheduling time for eye doctor checkups is equally as important as regular doctors. Eye infections, vision problems, or any diseases can be detected early on and can thus be treated effectively. There are different doctors with different names, and knowing the difference will make it that much easier to know what’s right for your child.

Eye Exams

girl eye testKnowing when to schedule those eye exams and what to check for will help in keeping your children on the right track. Newborns should be checked in the hospital by a family physician or pediatrician for general eye health. Those newborns who are high-risk, premature or who have a history of eye problems should be given some extra care when being checked and should have an eye doctor conduct the exam.

Throughout their first year, infants should be screened regularly by their pediatrician. Ages 3.5 and up should be regularly checked by an eye doctor for eye health, acuity, alignment and if there is a possibility of needing prescription glasses.

Eye Drops

Allergy season can pass by without any hiccups, or it can wreak havoc on your home. If your children suffer from allergies to pollen, hay, putting an eye dropgrass, dust, or any other allergens in the air, it will be beneficial to you both to be proactive in getting them eye drops that work for them. If you are unsure whether your child will get affected by allergy season, look out for red eyes, itchy eyes, and sneezing.

If you notice these symptoms, consult your eye doctor and get the right drops for your kid. Often, over the counter drops will do the trick. Be diligent in applying them as per the box instructions, and for kids who are old enough, showing them how to do it themselves will help them while they are at school/playing outside.


As kids get older, eye wear might become a necessity. If your child has a prescription, they will need glasses for either all the time or sometime use. Children age 10 and up might opt for contact lenses, so teaching them how to properly put in their lenses and take them out is essential in maintaining the health of their eyes. Kids who are active and play sports might need protective eyewear, so researching what is right for them and getting them properly equipped is also a necessity. With your diligence, they will learn the importance of maintaining and caring for their eyes, a habit that will transgress into their adult years.

Caring for your children’s eyes is an important part of their overall health. Get them into the right routine, and don’t forget to keep the carrots coming! Contact us for booking appointments.

Eye Care

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