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6 Tips To Prevent Glaucoma Damage

Glaucoma is a serious eye disease of the optic nerve and the second leading cause of blindness worldwide – we hope that will get your attention. In addition, you can develop glaucoma at almost any age. Some even more bad news about glaucoma is that once it’s diagnosed, your vision has already been damaged, and it cannot be reversed.

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For all these reasons we want to present 6 tips to prevent glaucoma damage.

Schedule Annual Comprehensive Eye Exams

In addition to the bad news about glaucoma noted above, be aware the disease has no symptoms, no pain, and no outward manifestations. It will silently steal your vision until you receive a diagnosis by an experienced eye care professional at Cedar Park Vision and begin treatment.

It is recommended that all patients with any risk factors begin having annual dilated eye exams by age forty. Glaucoma progresses slowly, but will continue to damage your vision without treatment.

Once you begin treatment you can slow down the progression of the disease and retain your vision.

Know Your Risks

First and foremost, know whether you are at risk for developing glaucoma. That starts with being aware of your family history and your own health situation. Some of the risk factors for glaucoma include:

  • Family history
  • Over the age of 40
  • Previous eye trauma
  • Use of steroids
  • Extreme nearsightedness or farsightedness
  • Thin corneas
  • African American or Hispanic heritage
  • Patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, and poor circulation

Be Aware of Peripheral Vision Changes

Peripheral vision loss is the earliest sign of developing glaucoma. It is not always easy to recognize, but if you find yourself turning your head to see something in your peripheral vision more than usual, take notice and see your eye care professional.

Age Does Matter

The older you are the more at risk you become for glaucoma. That age risk increases once a patient reaches 65. Even if you don’t have all the risk factors associated with glaucoma, it is still a prudent decision to have regular eye exams.

Be Proactive

Once you are aware of your risk factors there are behaviors within your control, so work to change them for the better.

Smoking seems to be related to developing glaucoma, so use that as your incentive to quit.

Change your diet to include more healthy fruits and vegetables. Exercise more and maintain a healthy weight. This will improve your blood pressure and diabetes issues.

Don’t gamble with your vision. Contact Cedar Park Vision with questions or to make an appointment.

Glaucoma Damage

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Cedar Park Vision
908 W Whitestone Suite 100, Cedar Park, Texas, 78613
Phone: (512) 259-2020